Lightolier LG LED Edge-Lit Panel Kit

Product Info

Nickel cadmium battery LG Series from Lightolier. Edge lit LED exit sign with red with mirrored 8 inch letters. Aged copper housing. Illumination of the exit panel is accomplished with the use of high brightness LEDs in an optical array offering even illumination. Average exit legend illumination level is 25 fl (79 cd/m2). Panel is available in 6 or 8 inches. UL and NFPA compliant lettering without a change to the housing parts. Includes Pendant Kit, 12 inch White Finish.

LG LED Edge-Lit Panel Kit
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: LG LED Edge-Lit Panel Kit

Product #: LGL8RM2

Manufacturer: Lightolier Inc

Order increment is 1

Please call us at (212) 792-0210 to order


Bulb: LED

Family Brand Name: LG Series


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