Lightolier LuxBar 10 ft. 3W Xenon End Round Shaped Multiple Units Display Light

Product Info

LuxBar series miniature round profile Xenon display light is an ideal solution for illuminating artwork, signage, menu boards, and merchandising displays or use as a linear wall washer for accenting walls. Can be wall or ceiling mounted in a choice of stem lengths. For longer fixtures, multiple unit systems provide a nearly limitless overall length.

LuxBar 10 ft. 3W Xenon End Round Shaped Multiple Units Display Light
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Product Name: LuxBar 10 ft. 3W Xenon End Round Shaped Multiple Units Display Light

Product #: LBR-M3-062.0-1-XF43-S-SA

Manufacturer: Lightolier Inc

Order increment is 1

Please call us at (212) 792-0210 to order


Bulb: Xenon

Family Brand Name: LuxBar

Mounting Method: Wall or Ceiling mounted

Watts: 3


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