A Short History
The first incandescent lamp was introduced on October 21,1879, by Thomas
Edison. The original bulb used a carbon filament in a bulb containing a vacuum.
Modern bulbs now primarily use tungsten filaments with a gas fill instead of a
vacuum, though bulbs using thin filaments and lower currents still utilize a
vacuum because they function more efficiently.
The Filament
The filament acts as a resistor. An electric current passes through the
filament, and resistance in the filament causes it to heat and incandesce.
Filaments typically reach temperatures well over 2000 degrees Celsius.
Most of the energy consumed by the bulb is given off as heat, causing its
Lumens per Watt (LPW) performance to be low. Because of the filament's high
temperature, the tungsten tends to evaporate and collect on the sides of the
bulb. The inherent imperfections in the filament causes it to become thinner
unevenly. When a bulb is turned on, the sudden surge of energy can cause the
filament to break, because the thin areas heat up so much faster than the
rest of the filament, leading to bulb failure.
Quality of Light
Incandescent lamps exhibit smooth, even spectral power distribution (SPD)
because they use the heat of a solid object to produce light. Incandescent
lamps also score very high on CRI ratings, but because standard incandescent
lamps produce very little radiant energy in the short wavelength end of the
spectrum, they do not render blues very well.
The Upside
The low color temperature combined with a high CRI casts a warm light which
provides excellent color rendition of skin tones. In addition, incandescent
lamps are affordable, can be controlled by dimming circuits, and are
available in a wide range of sizes, configurations and wattages.
The Products
15-40W Standard Shape Bulbs (A Line)
50-75W Standard Shape Bulbs (A Line)
100-200W Standard Shape Bulbs (A Line)
B10 (Torpedo Shape)
Cone Shape "C"
Globe Shape
Incandescent PAR Bulbs
Incandescent Reflector Bulbs
Specialty Lamps
Tube Shape-Exit Sign Lamps
Straight Sided Shape-"S"