Link To Us

GoodMart appreciates the value of links to from relevant, quality websites, and we will reciprocate by placing a link on our website to yours. If you would like to place a text link to GoodMart on your website, we ask that you use one of the four sample links shown below:

General Homepage Link:

GoodMart Electrical and Lighting Supply
GoodMart Electrical and Lighting Supply sells a wide array of lighting products including compact fluorescent lamps by TCP, a full line of bulbs and ballasts by Sylvania, tools by Ideal, and motion-sensing light fixtures by LaMar. is a secure online shopping destination.

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Recycling Products Link:

GoodMart Electrical and Lighting Supply
GoodMart sells a wide array of lighting products including compact fluorescent lamps by TCP, a full line of bulbs and ballasts by Sylvania, tools by Ideal, motion-sensing light fixtures by LaMar, and recycling containers with pre-paid shipping labels for mercury-containing fluorescent light bulbs, HID bulbs, ballasts and batteries. is a secure online shopping destination.

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Energy Efficient Lighting Link:

GoodMart Electrical and Lighting Supply
GoodMart Electrical and Lighting Supply sells a wide array of energy efficient lighting products including standard CFLs and new dimmable compact fluorescent lamps by TCP, a full line of bulbs and ballasts by Sylvania, including the new 28W super-saver four foot T8, dimmers by Lutron, motion-sensing light fixtures, and motion sensor controls by The Watt Stopper. is proud to be an Energy Star partner and a secure online shopping destination.

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GoodMart Logos: