3M Scotch Super 33+ Vinyl Electrical Tape 3/4 in. x 66 ft., PLSTC TAPE

Product Info

A premium grade vinyl electrical insulating tape, its aggressive adhesive and elastic backing ensure easy, water-resistant conformation to irregular surfaces in low temperatures, yet will not ooze or melt in high temperatures.

Scotch Super 33+ Vinyl Electrical Tape 3/4 in. x 66 ft.
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: Scotch Super 33+ Vinyl Electrical Tape 3/4 in. x 66 ft.

Product #: 33+SUPER-3/4X66FT

Manufacturer: 3M

Your cost per Each (1): $8.96364

Order increment is 1

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 72

Your cost per 1: $8.96364


Color: Black

Industry Standards: UL, CSA

Length: 66 ft.

Width: 3/4 in.


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