JAKE LED is a recessed linear luminaire series comprised of various apertures, lamp selections and mounting options. JAKE LED is available as 1.65, 2.25 and 3.25 inch aperture models for either: Trim (TR),
Trim-less (TL), or T-Grid installations. Trim (TR) mount features a quarter inch flange, while Trim-less (TL) features a mud-over flange allowing for only a hairline reveal which renders the fixture as almost invisible on the ceiling plane. Various mounting orientations from wall to ceiling, or along the wall, JAKE LED is our most versatile fixture
yet. Optional 90 degree mitered angles allow the creation of transverse runs: Inside Corner wall to ceiling (IC90), Outside Corner (OC90), or Face surface (F90). JAKE LED accessory options fit the most sophisticated applications via lenses, louvers, and installation