Designer Wallplates

White 2-Gang No Device Blank WallplateWhite 2-Gang No Device Blank Wallplate

Product #: 88025
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $263.2406
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $263.2406

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2-Gang 1-Duplex 1-Decora/GFCI Device Combination Almond Wallplate2-Gang 1-Duplex 1-Decora/GFCI Device Combination Almond Wallplate

Product #: 80455-T
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $265.45455
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $265.45455

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2-Gang 1-Duplex 1-Decora/GFCI Device Combination Wallplate2-Gang 1-Duplex 1-Decora/GFCI Device Combination Wallplate

Product #: 80455-W
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $269.09091
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $269.09091

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Decora White 1-Gang Screwless WallplateDecora White 1-Gang Screwless Wallplate

Product #: 80301-SW
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $616.0644
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $616.0644

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Decora Light Almond 1-Gang Screwless WallplateDecora Light Almond 1-Gang Screwless Wallplate

Product #: 80301-ST
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $949.09091
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $949.09091

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White One-Gang Recessed Duplex Receptacle 15A 125VWhite One-Gang Recessed Duplex Receptacle 15A 125V

Product #: 689-W
Manufacturer: Leviton
Unit of Measure: C(100)
Cost per: C (100) : $1,541.81818
Order increment is: 100

Your cost for 100: $1,541.81818

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