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General Tool Protein/Urine Refractometer

Product Info

For protein and urine. 0-12g/dl. Length: 6.2 in. Depth: 1.8 in. Weight: 7 oz. Resolution: 0.2g/gl, 0.005UG, 0.0005ND. Includes: Calibration Screwdriver, Plastic Pipette, Carrying Case.
Protein/Urine Refractometer
*Image accuracy not guaranteed

Product Name: Protein/Urine Refractometer

Product #: REF304

Manufacturer: General Tools Corp.

Your cost per Each (1): $94.95

Order increment is 1

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 1

Your cost per 1: $94.95

Tech Specs

Length: 6.2 in.

Weight: 7 oz.

Width: 1.8 in.

Price valid as of 2/5/2025. Buy online or check for current price.