Ideal Green Stranded Wire Pigtail #12 AWG, #10 Fork Terminal, #10 Ring with Screw, STRANDED WIRE JUMPER 12AWG, SCREW AND FORK END

Product Info

Six inch stranded wire pigtail. Ideal for Grounding and Bonding Applications.

30-3184 Stranded Wire Pigtail No. 12 AWG No. 10 Fork/Ring
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: 30-3184 Stranded Wire Pigtail No. 12 AWG No. 10 Fork/Ring

Product #: 30-3184

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Your cost per C (100): $154.09091

Order increment is 100

Your cost per 100: $154.09091


Color: Green

Length: 6 in.

Ordering Abbreviation: GREEN JUMPER WIRE W/FORK

Pack: 250


UPC CODE: 783250454525


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