Ideal 38-500 Multi Purpose 12 x 9 Pre-Moistened Monster Wipes, 82/Can

Product Info

Ideal Industries Multi Purpose 12 x 9 Pre-Moistened Monster Wipes require no water, clean dirt, grease, lube and grime, are made of durable fabric to scrub without tearing,have a clean orange scent and are infused with natural hand moisturizers and Vitamin E.

38-500 Multi Pupose Pre-Moistened Towels
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Product Name: 38-500 Multi Pupose Pre-Moistened Towels

Product #: 38-500

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Your cost per Each (1): $26.07273

Order increment is 1

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 13

Your cost per 1: $26.07273


UPC CODE: 783250385003


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