Ideal 45-235 Underground Feeder Cable Stripper, UF/ROMEX CABLE STRIPPER

Product Info

Features: Self-adjusting stripping blades automatically select proper position; Strips 12 AWG solid to 14 AWG Underground Feeder (UF) Cable; Strips Twin and Earth cable; Open-throad design allows unlimited strip length; Neatly removes outer cable sheath and inner wire sheathing to desired lengths; Lightweight, ergonomic design reduces user fatigue; Replaceable blades

45-235 UF Cable Stripper
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: 45-235 UF Cable Stripper

Product #: 45-235

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Your cost per Each (1): $105.07273

Order increment is 1

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 1

Your cost per 1: $105.07273


UPC CODE: 783250452354


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