Ideal 61-076 Voltage and Continuity Tester Vol-Con Tester, VOLT&CONTINUITY TESTER

Product Info

Extremely rugged and reliable three-in-one tester; Vibrates when voltage is present; Tests for high voltage up to 600V AC/DC; Tests for low voltage as low as 5V AC/DC; Automatic switching continuity tester; Replaceable leads with shielded probe tips. Bright long-life LED and neon indicator lamps; 5-year warranty

61-076 Vol-Con Tester
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: 61-076 Vol-Con Tester

Product #: 61-076

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Your cost per Each (1): $141.12727

Order increment is 1

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 1

Your cost per 1: $141.12727


Application: Solenoid

Ordering Abbreviation: VOL-CON TESTER

Pack: 1

Pack Depth: 9.50000

Pack Height: 1.75000

Pack Weight: 1.06

Pack Width: 8.00000


UPC CODE: 783250610761

Voltage: 125VAC


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