King Pine Concentrated 64 Ounce 19.9 Percent Pure Black Pine Oil Disinfectant, Makes 32 Gallons

Product Info

King Pine 19.9 Percent Pure Black Pine Concentrated Disinfectant heavy duty cleaner has no phosphorous yet kills germs, bacteria, salmonella and plant diseases while cleaning, disinfecting and leaving a long lasting fresh scent. Uses include flood clean-up, household use in kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms, industrial applications such as warehouses, factories and other workspaces, restaurants, hotels, prisons, nursing homes, houses of worship and farms. King Pine Disinfectant has a dilution ratio of 64 to one(Gallons). Made in the USA.

Concentrated 64 Oz. Pine Disinfectant
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: Concentrated 64 Oz. Pine Disinfectant

Product #: BP-64

Manufacturer: King Pine

Order increment is 8

We are sorry, but this item has been discontinued.


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