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Leviton Decora White 1-Gang Screwless Wallplate, 1GA SCRELESS PLATE

Product Info

Decora Plus snap-on wallplate for use in all branch circuits in commercial, industrial and institutional installations, to cover Decora Plus and Decora wiring devices in outlet and/or switch boxes in compliance with the NEC and other regulatory codes. Screwless, snap-on design for contemporary architectural styling. Complete kit includes snap-on wallplate, mounting bracket and required assembly screws.
Decora White 1-Gang Screwless Wallplate
*Image accuracy not guaranteed

Product Name: Decora White 1-Gang Screwless Wallplate

Product #: 80301-SW

Manufacturer: Leviton

Your cost per C (100): $616.0644

Order increment is 100

Your cost per 100: $616.0644

Tech Specs

Color: White

Family Brand Name: Decora

Industry Standards: UL, CSA

Material: Thermoplastic


--> Leviton - Decora White 15A Three Rocker Combination Switch, Push-in Wiring

Price valid as of 1/22/2025. Buy online or check for current price.