Nora Lighting 8 in. Round Hole Cutter for Recessed Lighting Applications

Product Info

Nora Lighting Round Hole Cutter for Recessed Lighting Applications features versatile cutting of plywood, plaster, and acrylic sheeting up to 7/8 inches thick or 1.75 inches thick if the other side can be drilled as well, and can also cut through brass and aluminum that is up to 1/16 inch thick. Round holes are perfectly cut everytime and Nora Round Hole Cutter also features a catch tray for dust and shavings. Hole cutter will work with either a variable speed hand drill or drill press.

NSC-6600 8 Inch Diameter Recessed Lighting Round Hole Cutter
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Product Name: NSC-6600 8 Inch Diameter Recessed Lighting Round Hole Cutter

Product #: NSC-6600

Manufacturer: Nora Lighting

Order increment is 1

Please call us at (212) 792-0210 to order


Drill Type: Variable Hand Drill or Drill Press

Maximum Hole Size: 8 Inches

UPC CODE: 732180690213


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