Peerless Lightduct 12 ft. 54W T5HO Fluorescent Suspended Fixture 120V

Product Info

Lightduct diminutive indirect pendant mount. 3000K lamp included.

Lightduct 12 ft. 54W T5HO Fluorescent Suspended Fixture 120V
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Product Name: Lightduct 12 ft. 54W T5HO Fluorescent Suspended Fixture 120V

Product #: LDM1-1-54T5HO-12FT-R12-120-GEB10-SCT-LP830

Manufacturer: Peerless Lighting

Order increment is 1

We are sorry, but this item has been discontinued.


Bulb: 54W T5HO (included)

Height: 2-1/8 in.

Industry Standards: UL

Length: 12 ft.

Voltage: 120

Width: 6.5 in.


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