Philips 150W 2900K T3 Double Ended Work and Security Light

Product Info

Philips 150 Watt T3 double ended Work and Security light bulb is ideal for portable work lights, outdoor security fixtures, as well as some floor lamps. They provide a crisp, bright halogen white light. Light for all of your specialized fixtures. Philips Specialty Incandescent and halogen bulbs provide the perfect light for accent and display lighting as well as general lighting in a variety of applications.

BC150T3Q/CL LONG 12/1
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: BC150T3Q/CL LONG 12/1

Product #: 415752

Manufacturer: Philips

Your cost per Each (1): $8.90

Order increment is 12

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 10

Your cost per 12: $106.80


Average Rated Life (hr): 1500

Base: RSC

Bulb: T3

Color Temperature/CCT (K): 2900

Lumens: 2400

Maximum Overall Length - MOL (in): 7

Voltage: 120

Watts: 150


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