Philips Alto PL-T 57 Watt 3500K Triple Tube Compact Fluorescent Lamp, GX24q-5 Base

Product Info

Philips Linear Compact Fluorescent Lamps offer designers, specifiersand end-users new levels of efficiencies and versatility insizes,configurations and application possibilities. With so many elegantfixtures available to complement their small size, high light output andadvanced technology, Philips Energy Advantage lamps are fastbecoming the preferred choice when maximum effciency and sleekdesign solutions are required.

PL-T 57W/835/A/4P 1CT/5X10BOX ALTO
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: PL-T 57W/835/A/4P 1CT/5X10BOX ALTO

Product #: 146324

Manufacturer: Philips

Your cost per Each (1): $24.84

Order increment is 10

Quantity in stock per Each (1): 6

Your cost per 10: $248.40


Base: GX24q-5

Bulb: PL-T

Color: White

Color Temperature (K): 3500

Maximum Overall Length - MOL (mm): 197.7

UPC CODE: 927914083520

Watts: 57

Width: 41 mm


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