Stonco Roughlyte 100W Industrial Vapor Tight Glass Globe Ceiling Fixture, No Guard, RND SFC FIXT ADAPT & GL

Product Info

VK Roughlyte fixtures are for use on ceilings and canopies. VK units guard against moisture and debris in exterior applications for globe down mounting only . Not recommended for hazardous locations. 100W fixtures fit all 3.5 inch round and octagonal boxes and all 4 inch round boxes. Heat and shock resistant glass globe. Sockets are pre-wired with extra long 1/2 inch stripped leads. For 3/4 inch conduit, use VK series with VXL13 universal box. Guard not included.

Roughlyte 100W Industrial Vapor Tight Glass Globe Ceiling Fixture
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: Roughlyte 100W Industrial Vapor Tight Glass Globe Ceiling Fixture

Product #: VK1K

Manufacturer: Stonco Lighting

Order increment is 1

Please call us at (212) 792-0210 to order


Bulb: 100W A-line not included

Color: Bronze

Diameter (in): 4.25 in.

Industry Standards: UL Listed

Lamp Holder: Medium


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