TCP SpringLamp 13 Watt 3100K GU24 Base Compact Fluorescent Lamp

Product Info

The GU24 Base introduces our SpringLamp technology with a pin-based socket. The socket allows energy efficiency in fixtures designed to accommodate incandescent lamps without changing the aesthetics.

SpringLamp 13W 3100K GU24 Base CFL
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: SpringLamp 13W 3100K GU24 Base CFL

Product #: 33113SP-31K

Manufacturer: Technical Consumer Products, Inc., TCP

Your cost per Each (1): $5.41

Order increment is 1

Your cost per 1: $5.41


Average Rated Life (hr): 10000

Base: GU24

Color Temperature (K): 3100

Energy Star Qualified: Yes

Incandescent Wattage Equivalent: 60

Lumens: 900

Maximum Overall Length - MOL (in): 3.6 in.

Voltage: 120

Watts: 13

Width: 1.8 in.


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