Ideal Term-a-Nut Red Twist-on Pigtail, Black 6 in. Wire, #10 Fork Terminal, TERM-A-NUT PIGTAIL, BLACK W/ #10FORK

Product Info

Installs quickly without crimping. Use with single or multiple wires. Easily removable. Highly conductive brass terminal. UL Listed. Shell rated for 105 C. Flame-retardant shell.

30-3171 Pigtail Term-a-Nut No. 10 Fork
*Image Accuracy Not Guaranteed

Product Name: 30-3171 Pigtail Term-a-Nut No. 10 Fork

Product #: 30-3171

Manufacturer: Ideal Industries, Inc.

Order increment is 100

We are sorry, but this item has been discontinued.


Clamp Type: Spring

Color: Red, Black Wire

Ordering Abbreviation: 25 CT. RED PIG/BLK/FORK

Pack: 250

Product Type: TERM-A-NUT

UPC CODE: 783250334407


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